Google as a Resource for Divorce

We all use Google. Nothing to be embarrassed about. When a potential client calls, I will ask how they heard of Westfield Mediation. A few callers here and there will say that a friend used our services or their therapist or divorce attorney suggested calling us. But in reality, a very large majority of callers discover us by a Google search. And people seem ashamed to admit this. I try to normalize this process for them and tell them that many people find us that way.  This seems to allay their fears that they are not the only one who do not know what to do about getting a divorce and turn to Google for help.

Everyone uses Google for all sorts of searches, all day, every day. So why should divorce be any different? It is not. Divorce tends to be a very personal issue. People may want to do their research about how to get a divorce from the privacy of their computer or phone. It is not a topic they want to discuss with family or friends. No one else has to know. Some people call and say that they have not even spoken to their spouse yet about wanting a divorce. They just want information about the divorce mediation process at this point.  Some people have not said the word “divorce” out loud before speaking with me. That is all fine. The internet affords you the freedom to gather information about divorce options. However, sometimes the internet gives you too much information and it can feel overwhelming.

The big picture can be too big- where will I live, how will I pay bills, will I see the kids on Christmas, etc. At Westfield Mediation, we follow a very prescribed methodology to help break down the gigantic task of getting a divorce into much smaller, more manageable steps. This process is significantly less stressful than divorce litigation. You do have a lot of decisions to make when getting a divorce but you do not have to make them all at once. Google can be a great resource and you don’t need to feel embarrassed about using it.  But also realize that Google can’t do it all. Google can lead you in the right direction…to Westfield Mediation, LLC.

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